Hello everyone and welcome to my site! From time to time I will post the lates news to keep you informed about my work and what is happening with my artistic endeavors. I hope you will come back often and be part of my journey. Thank you for your interest in my work and thanks for visiting my site!

Happy to announce that my painting “The Fruit of the Vineyard” was awarded third place at the “National Oil and Acrylic Painter’s Society (NOAPS), 33rd Best of America International Exhibition 2023” The show open today, August 11 at Principle Gallery in Alexandria, Virginia and will run till September 10th. I would like to congratulate all winners and thank the show organizers for this honor.

Governor Moore Celebrates the Official Portrait Unveiling of Governor Martin O’Malley and First Lady Judge Catherine O’Malley
Two beautiful portraits of former Governor Martin O”Malley and Former First Lady Katie O’Malley where unveiled July 19th at Government House in Annapolis, Md. The event was hosted by Governor West Moore and his wife, First Lady Down Moore. The portrait of Governor O’Malley (left) was done by me. The former First Lady, Judge Katie O’Malley, on the right, was done by a very talented artist Hans Guerin. He is the grandson of my former teacher and protégé Ann Schuler.
American Art Collector Magazine article on my upcoming show “The Still Life” opening at Principle Gallery in Alexandria, VA March 18th
"the Enigma of love " Winner of best trompe l'oeil painting!
The quality of the IGOR show this year was amazing and without a doubt, another astounding IGOR Annual Exhibition at the prestigious McBride Gallery in historic Annapolis, Maryland. The International Guild of Realism completed the jury results for our 16th Annual Juried Exhibition hosted by the McBride Gallery in June. They had a huge number of paintings entered, and without a doubt, the quality was excellent! The exhibition has 100 artworks by 89 IGOR members.
The best Trompe l’oeil award went to Jorge Alberto for his painting “The Enigma of Love”

“Attraction Magazine” article on my “One men show” at Troika Gallery.
Announcing the 15th Annual International Guild of Realism Exhibition
The International Guild of Realism 15th annual International Juried exhibition will take place at Principle Gallery in Charleston, NC, October 2nd to October 31st. The opening reception is Friday, October 2nd from 5:00pm to 8:00pm. Do to the Corona Virus Pandemic, many artist will not be in attendance but the artwork promises to spectacular as always!